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    Old Fashioned Premium USA Grade Traditional Whole Grain Oats, Resealable Bag
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    Old Fashioned Premium USA Grade Traditional Whole Grain Oats, Resealable Bag

    5.00 out of 5
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    Quick Cooking Premium USA Grade Instant Whole Grain Oats, Resealable Bag
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    Quick Cooking Premium USA Grade Instant Whole Grain Oats, Resealable Bag

    4.75 out of 5
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    Whole Grain Premium USA Grade Oat Groats, Resealable Bag
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    Whole Grain Premium USA Grade Oat Groats, Resealable Bag

Gerbs Oats

Gerbs Oats and grains are allergy-friendly, gluten-free, versatile and satisfying. Our Gluten-Free Rolled Oats – Traditional Style should always be in your kitchen. Besides providing fuel, the dietary fiber in it offers advantages for your cardiovascular system. One specific type of fiber found in it is beta-glucan. As a soluble fiber, it can help maintain stable blood sugar levels because it slows down the absorption of sugars during digestion.

Another heart-friendly component in oats is an antioxidant substance called avenanthramide. It’s considered as an antioxidant because it slows down the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. The dangerous thing about this bad cholesterol when it gets oxidized is that it becomes highly reactive and can penetrate blood vessel walls. This event triggers inflammatory cells to gather where the oxidized LDL set in. When these cells, in turn, get embedded, plaque will eventually build up and the blood vessel is blocked. Further research on avenanthramides reveals that the substance helps prevent plaque build-up by suppressing the production of certain types of molecules that make inflammatory cells stick to blood vessel walls.

As it turns out, this antioxidant substance works well with Vitamin C, a more common antioxidant. In combination, they extend the delay of LDL oxidation. So drinking some fresh orange juice with your bowl of oatmeal isn’t just satisfying, it makes nutritional sense. They are…always a good choice.

What are oats?

Commonly known as (Avena Sativa) are a cereal which is mainly eaten as porridge or in a breakfast in the form of rolled oats or oatmeal. Normally they are boiled down in water or milk before it is taken as oatmeal in the breakfast.

Oats are a whole grain food and they offer a range of health benefits such as they are rich in zinc, magnesium, and manganese, etc. They mostly grow or cultivated in the temperate regions of the world. They are mostly used as a livestock feed but can also be processed for human consumption as a breakfast. No matter what season it is oat is the king of the breakfast table. Not only as a breakfast, but oats can also be used in granola bars, muffins, cookies, pancakes and much more.

Types of Oats

Are you confused about the different types oats? Here in this very article, we will discuss in detail the different types of them.

Oats Groats

Oats groats are the most basic, intact but whole form of oats and they are the longest to cook. When you harvest oats, clean them and remove the hulls, as a result, you will get oat groats. They are usually cooked at a very low temperature so that it gives them their nice tasty flavor.

Rolled Oats

Rolled oats are also sometimes called regular, traditional or old fashioned oats. They are mostly created when oat groats are steamed and then rolled into flakes. They cook faster and stay fresh longer.

Quick or Instant Oats

When you roll oat flakes thinner and steam them for a longer period of time you are actually creating quick oats or ultimately instant oats. The best part is that their nutrition stays the same for all these types of oats.